The Eye Disease Of Glaucoma


  • "A group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, that damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye.
  •  it cause loss of vision and blindness" .That effect over the age of 60. 
  • more common in older adults.

how to damage optic nerve in glaucoma

  • the drainage angle formed by cornea and iris remains open , but trabecular meshwork is partially blocked. 
  • eye pressure gradually increase. this increase pressure cause damages the optic nerve. 
  • this vision loss can't be recovered, damage of optic nerve cause blind spots develop in your visual field. 
  • the pressure increase fluid is aqueous humor , it flows throghout the inside of your visual field. 
  • the internal fluid normally drains out through a tissue called the trabecular meshwork at the angle in between iris and cornea. 
  • when fluid is overproduced or the drainage system doesn't work properly. 
  • eye pressure increases fluid can't flow out at normal rate.

why you must known about glaucoma

  • it have no any warning sings before.
  • no any pain and not notce a change in vision untile become stage of  advanced condition.
  • early stage it can identify by TONOMETER . 
  • it helpfull for early slowed or prevented. 
  • the tonometer  touching cornea to measure the  eye pressure. 
  • 1st numbning eye drop put in eye for remove discomfort at touching sense from the cornea.

type of gluacoma

open angle glaucoma -
  • most common form, drainage angle open but trabecular meshwork is partially blocked. 
  • gradually increase eye pressure.
  •  this pressure damage the optic nerve. 
  • not early identify  it cause loss of vision.

angle closure glaucoma
  • another name is closed angle glaucoma. 
  • iris bulges forward to narrow draimage angle or block drainage angle formed by cornea and iris. 
  • narrow drainage angles cause fluid can't circulate through the eye and  inceases pressure. 
  • angle closure glaucoma gradually increase, it may be medical emergency called it acute angle closure glaucoma.

normal tension glaucoma
  • your optic nerve damaged by normal range of eye pressure increase. 
  • no exact reason but sensitive optic nerve or less blood supplied for optic nerve. 
  • blood supply limit by fatty diposits called as atherosclerosis.

glaucoma in children
  • it may effect infants and children at birth or develop in the first few years of life. 
  • it caused by drainage blockages or medical condition.

pigmentary glaucoma
  • pigment granules from your iris , build up in draimage channles, slowing or blocking fluid exiting your eye. 
  • the pigment granules depositing on trabecular meshwork it causing intermittent pressure elevations.

risk factors 

chronic forms glaucoma can destroy any signs and symptoms 

  • high internal eye pressure
  • age over 60 
  • black, asian or hispanic
  • family history of glaucoma
  • certain medical conditions - diabetes , heart disease , high blood pressure and sickle cell anemia
  • thin in center of cornea
  • eye injury or certain types of eye surgery
  • taking corticosteroid medications, especially eyedrops used long time


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