The Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
  • This disease blur central vision of eye.
  • Not any early symptoms but later symptoms are mainly loss your central vision, blur or wavy central vision.
  • Way to catch or diagnosis by Dilated eye exam.
  • Treatment injection and laser treatment or normally vitamins and minerals supplements.
  • Mainly aging causes damage to the macula or degeneration.
  • The macula is part of the retina, retina is sensitive part of back eye and connect with optic nerve, it means retina sensitive for vision.
  • The Macula is cause sharp vision.
  • Its common cause in older adults.
  • AMD not cause complete blindness, but its loss your central vision, lead to blur central portion of visual field.
  • Time duration is some one slowly and other person more quickly.
  • If early person has AMD may not notice vision loss for a long time.
  • Early AMD doesn’t any symptoms, Regular eye exam can early find and treat to AMD.
  • Eye exam Called as dilated eye exam, it simple and painless.
  • Give some eye drops to dilated (widen) pupil and check eye AMD and other eye problems.
  • This dilated eye exam most do every 1 to 2 year, if over age 60, have family history of glaucoma.

The Central vision loss or blurry person can see like another person face

Types and stages of AMD

Mainly two types are dry and wet.


  • Most people’s affect in dry AMD, the macula get more thinner with age.
  • It happens in three stages are early, intermediate and late.
  • It slowly processes over several years.
  • No treatment for late stage of dry AMD. But can find way for remaining vision.


  • Also called advance neovascular AMD.
  • Less common and causes faster vision loss.
  • Any stage of dry AMD can turn into wet AMD, but wet AMD is always in late stages.
  • Happens in abnormal blood vessels grow in back portion of eye and it causes damage the macula.
  • Wet AMD has treatment.

Symptoms of AMD


  • Early-stage dry AMD no any symptoms identify.

Intermediate stage

  • Intermediate stage dry AMD, some people not indicate any symptoms but other may notice symptoms, like as blurriness in central vision or trouble in low light.

Late stage wet or dry

  • Late stage wet or dry AMD, notice that straight lines to look like wavy it is warning and also notice blurry area in central vision
  • Later this blurry area may get bigger or see black spots.
  • Also, colors may seem less bright than before and more trouble seeing in low lighting.

Risk for AMD

  1. Risk increase may be getting age 55 or older age.
  2. Have family history
  3. Are Caucasian
  4. Smoke

Treatment options for AMD

  • There is no cure, but treatment can do for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Anti-angiogenic drugs

  • used prevent wet macular degeneration.
  • This method some peoples can regain vision.
  • It injects medications into the eye,
  • it helps prevent new blood vessels forming.
  • block leaking the of abnormal vessels.


Laser therapy

  • High energy laser light used destroy growing abnormal blood vessels.


Photodynamic laser therapy

  • This is used two step treatment
  • Light sensitive drugs used to damage abnormal blood vessels.
  • Inject medication into bloodstream after that absorb by abnormal blood vessels in the eye.
  • Next step is shine laser light will enter the eye and activate the drug  can lead to damages abnormal blood vessels.

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